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Gwendlyn Brown Breaks Silence On Her Feelings Toward Dad’s Fourth Wife, Robyn

Gwendlyn Brown became a regular face on television when she began appearing on the TLC reality TV Series Sister Wives . The show centers around the life of Gwendlyn’s dad, Kody, his four wives, and 18 children, and how the polygamist family goes through various hardships while facing them with honesty and love. Since the series began airing in September 2010, viewers have been exposed to some surprising, disappointing, and interesting details about the Brown family.

Recently, fans had another reason to keep watching the show, as Gewndlyn shared another surprising detail. This time, the 21-year-old opened up about her feelings toward her dad’s fourth wife, Robyn. Let’s take a closer look at the details of the intriguing story.

Gwendlyn Says She Doesn’t Like Robyn

Recently, Sister Wives fans saw a different side of Gwendlyn in a YouTube video. In the clip, the reality TV star reacted to the most recent season of the series, letting her viewers know her true feelings about her father’s fourth wife, Robyn. Gwendlyn made it known that she did feel less about Robyn, but it wasn’t fair to her because she never liked her stepmother.

Gwendlyn went on to accuse Robyn of not being truthful about her relationship with Kody’s children and his other wives. According to the reality TV star, her stepmom never reached out to her, as she claimed. Gwendlyn added that she reached out to Robyn on her birthday with a happy birthday message, but Robyn never returned the favor.

Gwendlyn’s Nice Words About Her Stepmom

Although Gwendlyn may not have the best relationship with her stepmom, she still had something nice to say about Robyn. In the clip, the reality TV star confessed that at a family event, Robyn specifically went up to Gwendlyn’s girlfriend, Beatriz, and introduced herself. She further noted that Beatriz said Robyn was kind and sweet, adding that she appreciated her stepmom for making such an effort.

Christine And Kody Part Ways

In 2021, Christine shocked the world by announcing she was moving away from the family and splitting with Kody after growing tension over the way he treated Robyn came to a head. While many may have advised Christine to remain in the marriage, Gwendlyn was solidly behind her mother’s decision.

In the recent YouTube upload, Gwendlyn admitted telling Christine , “Good for You,” after hearing her mom was leaving and divorcing Kody. Gwendlyn said she approved her mom’s departure because she loved her and didn’t like the relationship between her parents.

Inside Kody’s Failed Marriages

For now, Robyn remains Kody’s only legal life. Shortly before Gwendlyn’s YouTube revelation, it was announced that Kody and Meri, his first wife, had parted ways. In the Sister Wives tell-all special, which made the divorce news public, viewers were stunned to find out that Kody and his second wife, Janelle, had also called it quits. In the meantime, fans can only hope for the best between Kody and Robyn, whom he married in 2014.

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