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‘Wheel Of Fortune’ Contestant Shocks Audience By Failing An Obvious Answer

Once in a while, a contestant on a reality TV show makes a move that has you questioning the “reality” in the TV, and that’s what happened on Monday’s episode of Wheel of Fortune .

What appeared to be a slam dunk answer that even a five-year-old would get right on one try turned out to be an insurmountable mountain for Khushi .

The contestant left the audience speechless when she threw away an opportunity for a trip to Antigua and $650.

Long-term Wheel of Fortune host Pat Sajak seemed unfazed as he reminded the home audience that live reactions aren’t the same as watching from the comfort of their homes.

Watch The Epic Fail Below

All that was left for Khushi to win her Antigua trip was the letter “S,” but her brain got stuck on the 7th letter of the alphabet. The clue was simple as she’d already unveiled the other two sentences – “Tropical Fruit.”

No letter in the English alphabet other than “S” could fit into “FRE_H” and make sense. Unfortunately, Khushi froze at the answer and spouted out “G” to the audience’s amazement.

Another contestant, Juliana, wasted no time in choosing to solve the puzzle. She called out the sentence “Fresh Tropical Fruit” and won her trip to the Island of Antigua.

Did Khushi Fail That Question On Purpose?

Sajak said,

There was an entire debate in the comments where people wondered how Khushi missed such a simple question. One user said it happens to the best of us, and people shouldn’t be too hard on the contestant.

Another person wondered why Sajak was so kind as Steve Harvey would’ve given her “The Look.”

Someone said Sajak was only doing his job by being kind.

People Freeze Under Pressure

Although most of the audience went radio silent, one person couldn’t contain their shock as they yelled, “WHAT?!” A Twitter user wondered how the contestants called out multiple letters before “S,” saying that’s the real question.

Another user concurred, saying “RSTLNE” were common first guesses with games like Wheel of Fortune.

One commenter who claimed to be at the Teen Week episode said they saw Khushi crying after that loss. It’s one thing to lose a trip to Antigua but another to realize you could’ve won if your brain didn’t fail you under pressure!

Epic ‘Wheel Of Fortune’ Fails

Although many people consider Khushi’s choke the worst Wheel of Fortune fails in history, here’s a list of some other fails from the show. Like Khushi, a 2017 contestant, Kevin, had only one word to complete the title of the 1951 movie, A STREETCAT NA_ED DESIRE.

However, unlike her clue, two possible letters could fit in the empty box. Unfortunately, Kevin went for “K” instead of “M” and stunned the host. He had the nation wondering about his headspace during the game.

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