Life & Relationships

“She Demanded CHILD SUPPORT!” – Man’s Good Deed BACKFIRES – It’s Unseen

Buckle up, folks! We’ve got a doozy of a story for you today. Our protagonist, let’s call him the ‘Work-From-Home Hero’ ‍♂️, found himself in a sticky situation after offering to help out his neighbor, ‘Distraught Mom’ , by watching her 6-year-old son, ‘Balcony Boy’ . What started as a kind gesture quickly turned into a legal nightmare when Distraught Mom tried to file for child support! Will our hero be forced to pay up, or will he find a way out of this mess? Let’s dive in and find out! ‍♂️

️ From Shitty Apartment to New Beginnings

aitakidparent | aitakidparent

Work-From-Home Hero ‍♂️

Image credit: aitakidparent | aitakidparent
aitakidparent | aitakidparent

Troubled Past, Scared Kid

Image credit: aitakidparent | aitakidparent
aitakidparent | aitakidparent

Hot Chocolate and Balcony Hangs ☕

Image credit: aitakidparent | aitakidparent
aitakidparent | aitakidparent

$20 Offer, Full-Time Nanny Needed

Image credit: aitakidparent | aitakidparent
aitakidparent | aitakidparent

Good Samaritan Steps In

Image credit: aitakidparent | aitakidparent
aitakidparent | aitakidparent

Moving Out, Mom’s Distraught

Image credit: aitakidparent | aitakidparent
aitakidparent | aitakidparent

⚖️ Lawyer’s Letter, Child Support Shock

Image credit: aitakidparent | aitakidparent
aitakidparent | aitakidparent

Massive Fight, Blocked Number

Image credit: aitakidparent | aitakidparent
aitakidparent | aitakidparent

‍⚖️ Lawyer Says: Probably Fine

Image credit: aitakidparent | aitakidparent
aitakidparent | aitakidparent

Sisters Say: Right Thing, But a D*ck Move

Image credit: aitakidparent | aitakidparent
aitakidparent | aitakidparent

Feeling Like Sh*t, Stuck in Shitty Apartments

Image credit: aitakidparent | aitakidparent
aitakidparent | aitakidparent

UPDATE: Child Services Contacted

Image credit: aitakidparent | aitakidparent
aitakidparent | aitakidparent

From Good Samaritan to Accused Dad: The Shocking Twist!

Well, well, well… it seems no good deed goes unpunished! Our Work-From-Home Hero ‍♂️ thought he was just being a kind neighbor by watching Balcony Boy while Distraught Mom worked her a** off as a nurse aid. But then, BAM! A lawyer’s letter hits him with a child support claim! Talk about a plot twist! Hero immediately cuts ties, blocks Distraught Mom, and lawyer says he’s probably in the clear. But sisters think he’s being a d*ck for ditching the kid. Now, Balcony Boy is back to hanging in the shitty apartments. So, internet, what’s the verdict? Is our hero an a**hole for refusing to watch the kid anymore, or is he just protecting himself from a legal sh*tstorm? ️ Let’s see what the top comments have to say! ️

Sara’s audacity shocks readers as OP’s kindness backfires.

Image credit: KmartDino3 | KmartDino3
KmartDino3 | KmartDino3

Friendship ends with Karen. Self-preservation is the new friend.

Image credit: corgihuntress | corgihuntress
corgihuntress | corgihuntress

Helping the innocent child turned into a liability

Image credit: mike_uchi | mike_uchi
mike_uchi | mike_uchi

NTA! She dug her own grave with that stunt

Image credit: mediastoosocial | mediastoosocial
mediastoosocial | mediastoosocial

NTA. Refusing to babysit after a frivolous lawsuit threat.

Image credit: valerian_spiel | valerian_spiel
valerian_spiel | valerian_spiel

Is filing for child support that easy? NTA for sure

Image credit: grindelwaldd | grindelwaldd
grindelwaldd | grindelwaldd

Escaping a predator and false accusations. #NTA

Image credit: musicteacher45 | musicteacher45
musicteacher45 | musicteacher45

Beware of Sarah and Mark’s intentions, stay away

Image credit: 5pinktoes | 5pinktoes
5pinktoes | 5pinktoes

NTA. Going above and beyond, don’t let her ruin that

Image credit: ollyator | ollyator
ollyator | ollyator

NTA but she’s suing? Money for lawyer suspicious

Image credit: Jacksmissingspleen | Jacksmissingspleen
Jacksmissingspleen | Jacksmissingspleen

Don’t use kids as pawns . NTA for not helping.

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[deleted] | [deleted]

Babysitting offer turned into a custody battle? NTA for sure!

Image credit: 0biterdicta | 0biterdicta
0biterdicta | 0biterdicta

Country lets woman demand child support from non-father? NTA

Image credit: Relevant-Economy-927 | Relevant-Economy-927
Relevant-Economy-927 | Relevant-Economy-927

NTA and legal advice is key in a potential lawsuit.

Image credit: teresajs | teresajs
teresajs | teresajs

NTA: Avoid her and her child. Sisters can babysit

Image credit: TypicalManagement680 | TypicalManagement680
TypicalManagement680 | TypicalManagement680

Entitled parent demands child support for free babysitting NTA

Image credit: manimopo | manimopo
manimopo | manimopo

Protecting yourself can also protect the child. NTA

Image credit: Stone_Bucket | Stone_Bucket
Stone_Bucket | Stone_Bucket

Lawyer’s incompetence and absent father’s responsibility questioned. NTA.

Image credit: cybin | cybin
cybin | cybin

Sarah’s greed ruined any chance of a relationship. NTA.

Image credit: Pretend-Panda | Pretend-Panda
Pretend-Panda | Pretend-Panda

Unexpected legal claim leads to loss of free childcare NTA

Image credit: jennypthecat | jennypthecat
jennypthecat | jennypthecat

Man hilariously shuts down friend’s request for childcare.

Image credit: dreamsuggestor | dreamsuggestor
dreamsuggestor | dreamsuggestor

Offered to babysit, got sued for child support?

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[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA. Sarah was a predator taking advantage of your generosity.

Image credit: EBlochLady | EBlochLady
EBlochLady | EBlochLady

NTA! Cut ties with her to avoid being taken advantage of again.

Image credit: gnimmuc6898 | gnimmuc6898
gnimmuc6898 | gnimmuc6898

Offered to help with childcare, got hit with child support

Image credit: Krytan | Krytan
Krytan | Krytan

Concerned commenter suggests calling children’s services for safety reasons.

Image credit: Bostonguy50 | Bostonguy50
Bostonguy50 | Bostonguy50

NTA’s reaction to the situation is warranted

Image credit: brita998866 | brita998866
brita998866 | brita998866

NTA defends man’s good deed and calls out entitled woman

Image credit: Additional-Run-4426 | Additional-Run-4426
Additional-Run-4426 | Additional-Run-4426

Sympathy turns sour as lawyer’s letter sours goodwill. NTA

Image credit: turtling_herd_22150 | turtling_herd_22150
turtling_herd_22150 | turtling_herd_22150

Counter sue for compensation, child care isn’t cheap

Image credit: u_212 | u_212
u_212 | u_212

NTA stands up to entitled person demanding child support

Image credit: ComfortableZebra2412 | ComfortableZebra2412
ComfortableZebra2412 | ComfortableZebra2412

NTA. The mother tried to sue for child support. Wow

Image credit: Gigi-lily | Gigi-lily
Gigi-lily | Gigi-lily

NTA refuses to babysit, suggests calling CPS for child neglect.

Image credit: G8RTOAD | G8RTOAD

Being a good neighbor doesn’t equal being legally responsible

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[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA. Kind babysitter shouldn’t pay child support. Contact Child Services.

Image credit: ljn23 | ljn23
ljn23 | ljn23

Unpredictable turn of events, but NTA.

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[deleted] | [deleted]

Unjust court system awards child support to cheating ex. Infuriating!

Image credit: plz_say_sike | plz_say_sike
plz_say_sike | plz_say_sike

Babysitter not responsible for mother’s child support demands. NTA.

Image credit: Leo-1234 | Leo-1234
Leo-1234 | Leo-1234

NTA for not wanting to resume babysitting for Sarah’s child.

Image credit: veggiemeatballz | veggiemeatballz
veggiemeatballz | veggiemeatballz

Cutting ties with Sarah is necessary to avoid legal issues. NTA

Image credit: GraviTeaTime | GraviTeaTime
GraviTeaTime | GraviTeaTime

Man helps child, gets hit with child support. NTA wins.

Image credit: Zebras_And_Giraffes | Zebras_And_Giraffes
Zebras_And_Giraffes | Zebras_And_Giraffes

Be careful who you help, some will take advantage of you.

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[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA saves neglectful woman’s child, but gets trapped in baby drama

Image credit: mindlessmandee | mindlessmandee
mindlessmandee | mindlessmandee

NTA. Doing a favor backfired with a cash grab for child support

Image credit: No_Proposal7628 | No_Proposal7628
No_Proposal7628 | No_Proposal7628

Woman tries to take advantage of man’s good deed

Image credit: raerae6672 | raerae6672
raerae6672 | raerae6672

Good deed backfires as ungrateful woman demands child support. NTA.

Image credit: Bobby666666666 | Bobby666666666
Bobby666666666 | Bobby666666666

NTA but leaving a 6-year-old alone is concerning

Image credit: SJ2012 | SJ2012
SJ2012 | SJ2012

Don’t take Mark back in, for your safety. Your sisters should help. NTA

Image credit: KaboodleandKit | KaboodleandKit
KaboodleandKit | KaboodleandKit

Sisters think he’s a dick for not paying child support

Image credit: peoplebetrifling | peoplebetrifling
peoplebetrifling | peoplebetrifling

Good Samaritan offers free babysitting, gets sued for child support NTA

Image credit: Flippn_Freddy | Flippn_Freddy
Flippn_Freddy | Flippn_Freddy

NTA, sever all ties. Mother’s clownery is to blame

Image credit: firstofmyname001 | firstofmyname001
firstofmyname001 | firstofmyname001

Compassionate yet firm response to entitled demand

Image credit: Responsible_Koala_61 | Responsible_Koala_61
Responsible_Koala_61 | Responsible_Koala_61

Grateful babysitter called a NTA after entitled parent demands money

Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]
[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA. Stopping parental role when sued for child support is logical

Image credit: Sheila_Monarch | Sheila_Monarch
Sheila_Monarch | Sheila_Monarch

Woman’s response to good deed: Sue for child support

Image credit: Shurigin | Shurigin
Shurigin | Shurigin

NTA. OP’s kindness was taken advantage of by entitled mom

Image credit: chicagok8 | chicagok8
chicagok8 | chicagok8

Leaving a 6-year old unattended is neglect

Image credit: OneTwoWee000 | OneTwoWee000
OneTwoWee000 | OneTwoWee000

Heartbreaking consequences of a good deed gone wrong

Image credit: Agni_Kai__ | Agni_Kai__
Agni_Kai__ | Agni_Kai__

Skeptical comment receives no replies

Image credit: Anubis-Hound | Anubis-Hound
Anubis-Hound | Anubis-Hound

Compassionate man risks being burned by ungrateful mother ‍♂️

Image credit: holisarcasm | holisarcasm
holisarcasm | holisarcasm

Mom’s entitlement ruins son’s good deed. NTA prioritizes self.

Image credit: Knittingfairy09113 | Knittingfairy09113
Knittingfairy09113 | Knittingfairy09113

Single mom demands child support from man who helped her. NTA.

Image credit: Infamous-Wasabi-9007 | Infamous-Wasabi-9007
Infamous-Wasabi-9007 | Infamous-Wasabi-9007

NTA, but commenter advises calling CPS to ensure child’s safety.

Image credit: crystallz2000 | crystallz2000
crystallz2000 | crystallz2000

NTA takes care of kid, mom sues for child support

Image credit: Candy2228 | Candy2228
Candy2228 | Candy2228

Compassionate man faces crazypants lawsuit for good deed. NTA

Image credit: NoxDineen | NoxDineen
NoxDineen | NoxDineen

NTA. Commenter sympathizes with man and criticizes entitled ex.

Image credit: liquorkisses | liquorkisses
liquorkisses | liquorkisses

NTA, Good deed gone wrong. Some people just can’t be grateful

Image credit: Aicatalia | Aicatalia
Aicatalia | Aicatalia

Legal system’s flaw allows stranger to demand child support

Image credit: DrWolfenhauser | DrWolfenhauser
DrWolfenhauser | DrWolfenhauser

When doing a good deed leads to legal troubles

Image credit: trigazer1 | trigazer1
trigazer1 | trigazer1

Dodged a bullet with a shocked Pikachu face

Image credit: AliciaTransmuted | AliciaTransmuted
AliciaTransmuted | AliciaTransmuted

Redditor recalls similar post, agrees NTA for helpful guy.

Image credit: DiceRainstrider | DiceRainstrider
DiceRainstrider | DiceRainstrider

Refusing to provide nanny service to child – NTA

Image credit: Lurchibald007 | Lurchibald007
Lurchibald007 | Lurchibald007

Doubts raised about the validity of the situation

Image credit: ellieacd | ellieacd
ellieacd | ellieacd

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