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The Cost Of Freedom. Thank You

The Cost Of Freedom. Thank You

As the Army comes out of the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan and refocuses on the pacing challenge of China and the acute threat posed by Russia, Army leaders are directing the most significant reorganization and technical innovation since the end of the Cold War — ensuring our adversaries cannot outrange or outpace us on traditional battlefields, or the new frontiers of space and cyberspace. The world is changing, and the Army is changing with it. On the battlefields of the future, the Army of 2030 must:

  • Acquire sensors to see more, farther and more persistently than our enemies.
  • Concentrate highly lethal, low-signature combat forces rapidly from dispersed locations to overwhelm adversaries at a place and time of our choosing.
  • Deliver precise, longer-range fires as part of the Joint Force to strike deep targets and massing enemy forces.
  • Protect our forces from air, missile and drone attacks.
  • Be secure from enemy cyber and electronic attacks in order to reliably communicate and share data with ourselves, sister services and coalition partners.
  • Ensure we can sustain the fight across contested terrain and over time.

To meet the evolving threat, the Army is undergoing a once-in-a-generation transformation to develop the capability to converge effects on land, in the air, sea, space and cyberspace. This transformation includes investment in our people, reorganization of our forces, the development of new equipment, and the adoption of new concepts on how to fight that allow the Army to maintain superiority over any potential adversary.

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