Life & Relationships

“God Knows What’s In Your Bag” – Islamophobic Coworker SHUT DOWN – Diply – It’s Unseen

Buckle up, folks! We’ve got a wild ride of a story for you today! Meet our fierce Moroccan-Muslim heroine, a 26-year-old woman who’s about to face some serious office drama. She’s got a few surprises up her sleeve, from her unexpected ancestry to her fair complexion that defies stereotypes. But when a coworker turns hostile after a kosher/halal mix-up, things take a turn for the worse! Get ready for a tale of tension, suspicion, and a shocking confrontation that’ll leave you on the edge of your seat!

‍♀️ Meet Our Moroccan-Muslim Heroine!

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A Surprising Ancestry Twist!

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Defying Stereotypes: Our Fair-Skinned African Beauty! ‍♀️

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️ No Accent Here!

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Back to the Office Drama Begins!

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The Kosher/Halal Mix-Up!

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The Awkward Revelation!

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Another One Bites the Dust…

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The Coworker Turns Hostile!

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Tensions Reach a Boiling Point! ️

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The Suspicious Bag Debacle!

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Coworkers Are Shocked!

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Consequences Unfold!

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Relief at Last… But Mom Disapproves! ‍♀️

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randoooo9876 | randoooo9876

Office Showdown: Muslim Woman vs. Islamophobic Coworker!

Our heroine thought she’d found a work bestie in L, but their friendship quickly soured when L discovered her Muslim identity. L’s behavior turned downright hostile, from Islamophobic comments to stalking and exclusion. The final straw? A suspicious bag accusation that left everyone shocked! Our brave protagonist took matters to HR, resulting in L’s transfer. But with mom disapproving of the move, she’s left wondering: did she do the right thing? The internet is about to weigh in on this juicy office drama! Get ready for some sizzling hot takes!

Calling out racism: NTA didn’t affect coworker’s livelihood, her behavior did

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NTA shuts down Islamophobic coworker, avoids physical altercation.

Image credit: sharmrp72 | sharmrp72
sharmrp72 | sharmrp72

Shocking revelation about Islamophobia in the workplace

Image credit: nova345 | nova345
nova345 | nova345

Bigotry in the workplace affects everyone, shut it down

Image credit: PerpetualSadnessLWB | PerpetualSadnessLWB
PerpetualSadnessLWB | PerpetualSadnessLWB

Don’t let Islamophobic behavior slide. Going to HR is essential.

Image credit: LunaticBZ | LunaticBZ
LunaticBZ | LunaticBZ

NTA, HR was the right move. Her bigotry impacted her.

Image credit: Happy-Greyhound-8821 | Happy-Greyhound-8821
Happy-Greyhound-8821 | Happy-Greyhound-8821

Racism is not just words; it can lead to violence.

Image credit: No_Magician_6457 | No_Magician_6457
No_Magician_6457 | No_Magician_6457

Justice served: Coworker learns actions have consequences for bigotry.

Image credit: Bubbly_Muffin3543 | Bubbly_Muffin3543
Bubbly_Muffin3543 | Bubbly_Muffin3543

Reporting harmful prejudice is important. HR should have fired them.

Image credit: HolyGonzo | HolyGonzo
HolyGonzo | HolyGonzo

NTA shuts down racist coworker in powerful comment

Image credit: Toyotafan123 | Toyotafan123
Toyotafan123 | Toyotafan123

Standing up to Islamophobic coworkers: NTA, but justice incomplete.

Image credit: Educational_Word5775 | Educational_Word5775
Educational_Word5775 | Educational_Word5775

Zero tolerance for racism in the workplace. NTA

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Standing up to bigotry in the workplace

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Difficult-Ad-4532 | Difficult-Ad-4532

Supportive comment on standing up against Islamophobia at work.

Image credit: Ok-Goose8426 | Ok-Goose8426
Ok-Goose8426 | Ok-Goose8426

NTA. Supportive comment validates OP’s right to a non-hostile work environment

Image credit: darjeelinger1709 | darjeelinger1709
darjeelinger1709 | darjeelinger1709

Don’t let others’ behavior bring you down. NTA

Image credit: nollamaindrama | nollamaindrama
nollamaindrama | nollamaindrama

Calling out bigotry in the workplace. NTA wins!

Image credit: buttercupgrump | buttercupgrump
buttercupgrump | buttercupgrump

Reporting Islamophobic coworker to HR was the right move

Image credit: pfashby | pfashby
pfashby | pfashby

NTA for standing up against Islamophobia at work

Image credit: ShadyVermin | ShadyVermin
ShadyVermin | ShadyVermin

Handling a difficult coworker with grace and professionalism

Image credit: Own-Blackberry2647 | Own-Blackberry2647
Own-Blackberry2647 | Own-Blackberry2647

NTA, fireable offense. Shutting down bigotry is important

Image credit: HPNerd44 | HPNerd44
HPNerd44 | HPNerd44

Standing up to racism at work

Image credit: notrightmeowthx | notrightmeowthx
notrightmeowthx | notrightmeowthx

Religious discrimination at work? NTA for reporting to HR

Image credit: dalpaengee | dalpaengee
dalpaengee | dalpaengee

Standing up to a racist coworker, but facing criticism from mom

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test123zw | test123zw

Standing up to Islamophobia at work

Image credit: Ok_Distribution3944 | Ok_Distribution3944
Ok_Distribution3944 | Ok_Distribution3944

Moving the coworker to a different team was appropriate

Image credit: Careful-Bumblebee-10 | Careful-Bumblebee-10
Careful-Bumblebee-10 | Careful-Bumblebee-10

Islamophobic coworker gets shut down, NTA prevails

Image credit: SaltRevolutionary917 | SaltRevolutionary917
SaltRevolutionary917 | SaltRevolutionary917

Demanding accountability for workplace racism. NTA, wtf indeed

Image credit: ShiShi340 | ShiShi340
ShiShi340 | ShiShi340

Bigot coworker gets what she deserves

Image credit: PrauxLaps | PrauxLaps
PrauxLaps | PrauxLaps

Racism not tolerated in city government, good on you NTA!

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Flat-Story-7079 | Flat-Story-7079

Standing up to racism is always the right thing

Image credit: snchills | snchills
snchills | snchills

NTA. Islamophobic coworker gets shut down for her egregious actions

Image credit: bogo0814 | bogo0814
bogo0814 | bogo0814

Not the a**hole. Reporting her now might make her reconsider.

Image credit: velmanaheireann | velmanaheireann
velmanaheireann | velmanaheireann

NTA! Don’t hide who you are for a bigot’s comfort

Image credit: RocketteP | RocketteP
RocketteP | RocketteP

Company culture fails to address hate speech in the workplace.

Image credit: aitadeliveryapt | aitadeliveryapt
aitadeliveryapt | aitadeliveryapt

Standing up to Islamophobia – NTA shuts down coworker

Image credit: Fraggle_Frock | Fraggle_Frock
Fraggle_Frock | Fraggle_Frock

Standing up against hate in the workplace ✊

Image credit: NJMomofFor | NJMomofFor
NJMomofFor | NJMomofFor

NTA. HR should have fired her on the spot

Image credit: upsidedownplantpot | upsidedownplantpot
upsidedownplantpot | upsidedownplantpot

Supportive comment denouncing Islamophobia and empathizing with OP.

Image credit: Slowburner_ | Slowburner_
Slowburner_ | Slowburner_

Coworker’s Islamophobia backfires, NTA gets support from colleagues

Image credit: Jessica_Lovegood | Jessica_Lovegood
Jessica_Lovegood | Jessica_Lovegood

Proud of OP for standing up to Islamophobia at work

Image credit: samjp910 | samjp910
samjp910 | samjp910

Bigoted coworker creates toxic work environment, NTA for reporting.

Image credit: KittyWorrier | KittyWorrier
KittyWorrier | KittyWorrier

Standing up against racism at work, NTA comment wins award

Image credit: AcademicHysteria | AcademicHysteria
AcademicHysteria | AcademicHysteria

Job insecurity due to racist coworker’s dangerous implications

Image credit: agarrabrant | agarrabrant
agarrabrant | agarrabrant

Islamophobic coworker accused OP of carrying a bomb. NTA shut her down

Image credit: StarkSamurai | StarkSamurai
StarkSamurai | StarkSamurai

Feeling safe in the workplace: shutting down Islamophobia

Image credit: chellebelle1389 | chellebelle1389
chellebelle1389 | chellebelle1389

NTA shuts down Islamophobic coworker and calls out company’s inaction

Image credit: redrosebeetle | redrosebeetle
redrosebeetle | redrosebeetle

NTA, coworker’s Islamophobia shut down by reporting it

Image credit: squirlysquirel | squirlysquirel
squirlysquirel | squirlysquirel

NTA shuts down Islamophobic coworker, predicts her departure

Image credit: Shoddy_Lifeguard_852 | Shoddy_Lifeguard_852
Shoddy_Lifeguard_852 | Shoddy_Lifeguard_852

Standing up to workplace bullying is always the right move

Image credit: HawkLow256 | HawkLow256
HawkLow256 | HawkLow256

NTA shuts down Islamophobic coworker and enjoys job more now

Image credit: GreyishBlue | GreyishBlue
GreyishBlue | GreyishBlue

NTA shuts down Islamophobic coworker. HR should have intervened.

Image credit: Pand0ra30_ | Pand0ra30_
Pand0ra30_ | Pand0ra30_

Islamophobic coworker gets shut down by NTA commenter

Image credit: CauliflowerKlutzy189 | CauliflowerKlutzy189
CauliflowerKlutzy189 | CauliflowerKlutzy189

NTA calls for firing of Islamophobic coworker

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Standing up to Islamophobia without ruining a livelihood

Image credit: ravenlyran | ravenlyran
ravenlyran | ravenlyran

Stand up to discrimination, even if it’s from a coworker.

Image credit: DakiLapin | DakiLapin
DakiLapin | DakiLapin

Standing up against Islamophobia at work. NTA wins.

Image credit: jennszu | jennszu
jennszu | jennszu

Firing, not relocation, is necessary for Islamophobic behavior

Image credit: gas_unlit | gas_unlit
gas_unlit | gas_unlit

Standing up to Islamophobia at work and consequences explained!

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Standing up against Islamophobia in the workplace

Image credit: IntrigueMachine | IntrigueMachine
IntrigueMachine | IntrigueMachine

NTA stands up to Islamophobia at workplace with HR’s help

Image credit: lolopolo404 | lolopolo404
lolopolo404 | lolopolo404

Standing up against racism at work: NTA and well done

Image credit: WhichwitchAmI | WhichwitchAmI
WhichwitchAmI | WhichwitchAmI

Standing up against religious discrimination in the workplace!

Image credit: AbleRelationship6808 | AbleRelationship6808
AbleRelationship6808 | AbleRelationship6808

NTA. Islamophobic coworker gets shut down and deserves consequences

Image credit: Winter_Dragonfly_452 | Winter_Dragonfly_452
Winter_Dragonfly_452 | Winter_Dragonfly_452

Standing up to Islamophobia in the workplace

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