Health & Wellness

31 Of The Most Baseless And Cringiest Things People Ever Heard In Their Life, As Told In This Thread

Common sayings are a big part of culture. We frequently hear aphorisms that aim to teach us a general rule of thumb for life in different scenarios. In particular, our grandmothers and parents repeat some sentences continuously throughout our lives. Proverbs, phrases, and aphorisms can hold some essential truth in them, but have you ever reflected upon their real meaning and value?

Sometimes our experiences can refute a commonly repeated phrase entirely. Today’s story covers some of the most untrue things that people have heard throughout their lives, including aphorisms.


31 Things So Utterly Nonsensical And Untrue That Netizens Just Can’t Let It Go“It is not in our budget this year to give raises”
Said months after the company reported RECORD profits and a massive raise for the CEO.


31 Things So Utterly Nonsensical And Untrue That Netizens Just Can’t Let It Go“Don’t give up”. Sometimes it is necessary to cut your losses and start anew. Don’t fall for the sunk cost fallacy.


31 Things So Utterly Nonsensical And Untrue That Netizens Just Can’t Let It Go“Money doesn’t bring happiness.”

F**k outta here, miss me with that dumb s**t.
As far as I’m concerned money means financial freedom, who wouldn’t be happier knowing you ain’t gotta worry about paying bills no more.


31 Things So Utterly Nonsensical And Untrue That Netizens Just Can’t Let It Go“Looks don’t matter”. Besides from having actual powers, being attractive is a goddamn superpower.


31 Things So Utterly Nonsensical And Untrue That Netizens Just Can’t Let It Go“Corporations are people.”

Except they’re practically immortal, have more rights than actual people, limitless resources, and never have to serve prison sentences for breaking the law.


31 Things So Utterly Nonsensical And Untrue That Netizens Just Can’t Let It GoTrickle Down Economics.


31 Things So Utterly Nonsensical And Untrue That Netizens Just Can’t Let It GoThat the big division in the world is left vs right when it has always been rich vs poor.


31 Things So Utterly Nonsensical And Untrue That Netizens Just Can’t Let It Go“This isn’t just work, we are a family here”.


31 Things So Utterly Nonsensical And Untrue That Netizens Just Can’t Let It Go“The only true thing in the entire world is my holy book written centuries ago by religious fanatics on a particular landmass who weren’t even present for the events they narrate. Don’t believe your senses, your friends, your experience, your “science” or “facts” or “logic.” Don’t believe _anything_ except what I say that my book says is true.”.


31 Things So Utterly Nonsensical And Untrue That Netizens Just Can’t Let It Go“I’m just an honest person.”

No, you’re an *unpleasant person* with nothing nice to say.


31 Things So Utterly Nonsensical And Untrue That Netizens Just Can’t Let It GoThe biggest load of b******t I’ve ever heard? That the Earth is flat. Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, some people still cling to this absurd belief.


31 Things So Utterly Nonsensical And Untrue That Netizens Just Can’t Let It GoTurn the other cheek. My parents were big on that and it did nothing for me but make me a doormat until I had enough and learned to stand up for myself.


31 Things So Utterly Nonsensical And Untrue That Netizens Just Can’t Let It Go“You’re a good worker!” *gets assigned more responsibility for same pay.


31 Things So Utterly Nonsensical And Untrue That Netizens Just Can’t Let It GoWe are a nation of laws, and no one is above the law.


31 Things So Utterly Nonsensical And Untrue That Netizens Just Can’t Let It Go“Take your problem to HR.”

HR is not your friend. They can and will protect the company first.


31 Things So Utterly Nonsensical And Untrue That Netizens Just Can’t Let It Go“Pull yourself up by your bootstraps” as our country holds folks in poverty and certain Electeds brainwash them into keep voting for more of the same. .


31 Things So Utterly Nonsensical And Untrue That Netizens Just Can’t Let It Go“Being gay is a choice.”
Self explanatory, way more people would choose to be gay!

Happy pride month y’all! :D.


31 Things So Utterly Nonsensical And Untrue That Netizens Just Can’t Let It Go“She’s harmless. Just ignore her.”
No, she’s not harmless. She is a vindictive b***h who will do the same to anyone she comes in contact with.


31 Things So Utterly Nonsensical And Untrue That Netizens Just Can’t Let It Go“Your call is very important to us” while being on hold for an hour.


31 Things So Utterly Nonsensical And Untrue That Netizens Just Can’t Let It GoNew study shows consuming ____ x times a day may reduce your risk of cancer by as much as x%.


31 Things So Utterly Nonsensical And Untrue That Netizens Just Can’t Let It GoGod wanted it that way.

F**k off with all that.


31 Things So Utterly Nonsensical And Untrue That Netizens Just Can’t Let It GoChristian Evangelical takes on the Bible. Endlessly amusing.


31 Things So Utterly Nonsensical And Untrue That Netizens Just Can’t Let It GoA book claiming how to win the lottery 😂.


31 Things So Utterly Nonsensical And Untrue That Netizens Just Can’t Let It GoThat I can’t sue over a misdiagnosis that cost me my leg. It was more than my leg. It was my freedom, independence, ability to work and defend myself. Apparently necrotizing fasciitis is hard to diagnose.

This was during covid and I talked to a Dr through a tablet. I waited for 20 hours with a high fever and no trauma. They said I had a sprained ankle.


31 Things So Utterly Nonsensical And Untrue That Netizens Just Can’t Let It GoThe people that thought you can’t wear face masks because of “mask breath” and how bad it was for your dental hygiene (or whatever they called it).


31 Things So Utterly Nonsensical And Untrue That Netizens Just Can’t Let It GoClean Coal.


31 Things So Utterly Nonsensical And Untrue That Netizens Just Can’t Let It GoMost conspiracy theories. As a project manager I can attest there is no way in hell that “they” could pull off half the conspiracies and not blab about it. Seriously the projects I’ve worked on are challenging at best. LOL.


31 Things So Utterly Nonsensical And Untrue That Netizens Just Can’t Let It GoThe government as a whole cares about its people. This pretty much goes for most countries, not just America.


31 Things So Utterly Nonsensical And Untrue That Netizens Just Can’t Let It GoSupply-side economics is good for everyone.


31 Things So Utterly Nonsensical And Untrue That Netizens Just Can’t Let It GoI once interviewed a guy for a sales role and mentioned we were looking for someone to sell in South Africa (not the job he came for), and he came out with all sorts of BS about how well he knew the market and then named dropped several politicians before coming out with the line “I walk with Mandela, and have access to everyone”.

Strange how he looked blank when I said what did he think of Madiba.


31 Things So Utterly Nonsensical And Untrue That Netizens Just Can’t Let It GoThere’s more than one way to skin a cat. Why is this a phrase?? It weirds me out every time someone says it.

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